Submission #434063

Source Code Expand

let calc a b arr =
  let (ba,ca) = arr in
  let rec inner1 pos pa pb = 
    if pos=6 then (pa,pb)
      let i = 1 lsl pos in
      let j = 1 lsl (pos+3) in
      let x = pos/3 in
      let y = pos mod 3 in
        if ((a land i)>0 && (a land j) > 0) || ((b land i)>0 && (b land j) > 0)  then
          inner1 (pos+1) (pa+ba.(x).(y)) pb
          inner1 (pos+1) pa (pb+ba.(x).(y))
  let rec inner2 pos pa pb = 
    if pos=9 then (pa,pb)
    else if pos mod 3 = 2 then 
      inner2 (pos+1) pa pb
      let i = 1 lsl pos in
      let j = 1 lsl (pos+1) in
      let x = pos/3 in
      let y = pos mod 3 in
        if ((a land i)>0 && (a land j) > 0) || ((b land i)>0 && (b land j) > 0)  then
          inner2 (pos+1) (pa+ca.(x).(y)) pb
          inner2 (pos+1) pa (pb+ca.(x).(y))
  let (ta,tb) = inner1 0 0 0 in
    inner2 0 ta tb in 

let rec max_search a b arr memo =
  if not (memo.(a).(b) = (-1,-1)) then
  else if a lor b = (1 lsl 9)-1 then 
    let (pa,pb) = calc a b arr in
      Array.set memo.(a) b (pa,pb); (pa,pb)
    let ans = ref (-1,-1) in
      for i = 0 to 8 do
        if ((a land (1 lsl i))=0) && ((b land (1 lsl i))=0) then
          let (pa,pb) = min_search (a lor (1 lsl i)) b arr memo in
          let (ta,_) = !ans in
            if pa > ta then ans := (pa,pb) else ()
        else ()
      Array.set memo.(a) b !ans;!ans
and min_search a b arr memo =
  if not (memo.(a).(b) = (-1,-1)) then
  else if a lor b = (1 lsl 9)-1 then 
    let (pa,pb) = calc a b arr in
      Array.set memo.(a) b (pa,pb); (pa,pb)
    let ans = ref (-1,-1) in
      for i = 0 to 8 do
        if ((a land (1 lsl i))=0) && ((b land (1 lsl i))=0) then
          let (pa,pb) = max_search a (b lor (1 lsl i)) arr memo in
          let (_,tb) = !ans in
            if pb > tb then ans := (pa,pb) else ()
        else ()
      Array.set memo.(a) b !ans;!ans
let ba = Array.make_matrix 2 3 0 in
let ca = Array.make_matrix 3 2 0 in
  for i = 0 to 1 do
    Scanf.scanf "%d %d %d\n" 
      (fun x y z -> Array.set ba.(i) 0 x; Array.set ba.(i) 1 y; Array.set ba.(i) 2 z)
  for i = 0 to 2 do
    Scanf.scanf "%d %d\n" 
      (fun x y -> Array.set ca.(i) 0 x; Array.set ca.(i) 1 y)
  (* print_endline "java"; *)
  let (ra,rb) = max_search 0 0 (ba,ca) (Array.make_matrix (1 lsl 9) (1 lsl 9) (-1,-1)) in
    Printf.printf "%d\n%d\n" ra rb

Submission Info

Submission Time
Task C - 双子と○×ゲーム
User garasubo
Language OCaml (4.02.1)
Score 100
Code Size 2549 Byte
Status AC
Exec Time 47 ms
Memory 3488 KB

Judge Result

Set Name Sample All
Score / Max Score 0 / 0 100 / 100
AC × 2
AC × 22
Set Name Test Cases
Sample sample-01.txt, sample-02.txt
All test-01.txt, test-02.txt, test-03.txt, test-04.txt, test-05.txt, test-06.txt, test-07.txt, test-08.txt, test-09.txt, test-10.txt, test-11.txt, test-12.txt, test-13.txt, test-14.txt, test-15.txt, test-16.txt, test-17.txt, test-18.txt, test-19.txt, test-20.txt, sample-01.txt, sample-02.txt
Case Name Status Exec Time Memory
sample-01.txt AC 35 ms 3360 KB
sample-02.txt AC 34 ms 3360 KB
test-01.txt AC 35 ms 3364 KB
test-02.txt AC 34 ms 3368 KB
test-03.txt AC 34 ms 3372 KB
test-04.txt AC 33 ms 3488 KB
test-05.txt AC 34 ms 3368 KB
test-06.txt AC 34 ms 3368 KB
test-07.txt AC 33 ms 3364 KB
test-08.txt AC 36 ms 3360 KB
test-09.txt AC 35 ms 3360 KB
test-10.txt AC 34 ms 3364 KB
test-11.txt AC 33 ms 3484 KB
test-12.txt AC 33 ms 3368 KB
test-13.txt AC 34 ms 3372 KB
test-14.txt AC 34 ms 3380 KB
test-15.txt AC 47 ms 3372 KB
test-16.txt AC 34 ms 3360 KB
test-17.txt AC 36 ms 3356 KB
test-18.txt AC 36 ms 3420 KB
test-19.txt AC 35 ms 3356 KB
test-20.txt AC 34 ms 3356 KB