Submission #434055

Source Code Expand


object Main{
  def calc_score(board : Array[Array[Option[Boolean]]],
                 b     : Array[Array[Int]],
                 c     : Array[Array[Int]]) : (Int,Int) = {
    var chokudai = 0
    var chokuko = 0
    for(i <- 0 to 1;
        j <- 0 to 2){
      val bij = b(i)(j)
      if(board(i)(j).get == board(i+1)(j).get)
        chokudai += bij
        chokuko += bij
    for(i <- 0 to 2;
        j <- 0 to 1){
      val cij = c(i)(j)
      if(board(i)(j).get == board(i)(j+1).get)
        chokudai += cij
        chokuko += cij

  def is_end(board :  Array[Array[Option[Boolean]]]) = board.forall(_.forall(_.isDefined))

  def turn(board    : Array[Array[Option[Boolean]]],
           b        : Array[Array[Int]],
           c        : Array[Array[Int]],
           chokudai : Boolean) : (Int,Int) = {
    if(is_end(board)) calc_score(board,b,c)
    else {
      // val cand = (0 until 3).flatMap((i) =>
      //              (0 until 3).map((j) => {
      //                                board(i)(j) match {
      //                                  case Some(_) => None
      //                                  case None    => {
      //                                    board(i)(j) = Option(chokudai)
      //                                    val k = turn(board,b,c,!chokudai)
      //                                    board(i)(j) = None
      //                                    Option(k)
      //                                  }
      //                                }
      //                              }).collect({case Some(i) => i}))

      val cand = (for(i <- 0 until 3;
                      j <- 0 until 3)
        .filter({case (i,j) => board(i)(j).isEmpty})
        .map({case (i,j) => {
               board(i)(j) = Option(chokudai)
               val k = turn(board,b,c,!chokudai)
               board(i)(j) = None
      // var cand = List[(Int,Int)]()
      // for(i <- 0 until 3;
      //     j <- 0 until 3){
      //   board(i)(j) match {
      //     case Some(_) => None
      //     case None    => {
      //       board(i)(j) = Option(chokudai)
      //       cand = turn(board,b,c,!chokudai) :: cand
      //       board(i)(j) = None
      //     }
      //   }
      // }

  def main(args : Array[String]) : Unit = {
    val board = Array.fill(3)(Array.fill(3)(Option.empty[Boolean]))
    val b = (1 to 2).map((i) => readLine().split(" ").map(_.toInt)).toArray
    val c = (1 to 3).map((i) => readLine().split(" ").map(_.toInt)).toArray
    val last = turn(board,b,c,true)

Submission Info

Submission Time
Task C - 双子と○×ゲーム
User tomoki
Language Scala (2.11.5)
Score 0
Code Size 2909 Byte
Status TLE
Exec Time 2035 ms
Memory 71656 KB

Judge Result

Set Name Sample All
Score / Max Score 0 / 0 0 / 100
TLE × 2
TLE × 22
Set Name Test Cases
Sample sample-01.txt, sample-02.txt
All test-01.txt, test-02.txt, test-03.txt, test-04.txt, test-05.txt, test-06.txt, test-07.txt, test-08.txt, test-09.txt, test-10.txt, test-11.txt, test-12.txt, test-13.txt, test-14.txt, test-15.txt, test-16.txt, test-17.txt, test-18.txt, test-19.txt, test-20.txt, sample-01.txt, sample-02.txt
Case Name Status Exec Time Memory
sample-01.txt TLE 2033 ms 71320 KB
sample-02.txt TLE 2033 ms 71480 KB
test-01.txt TLE 2033 ms 71196 KB
test-02.txt TLE 2034 ms 71472 KB
test-03.txt TLE 2034 ms 71108 KB
test-04.txt TLE 2032 ms 70940 KB
test-05.txt TLE 2034 ms 71260 KB
test-06.txt TLE 2032 ms 71288 KB
test-07.txt TLE 2033 ms 71428 KB
test-08.txt TLE 2033 ms 71448 KB
test-09.txt TLE 2035 ms 71616 KB
test-10.txt TLE 2035 ms 71336 KB
test-11.txt TLE 2034 ms 71544 KB
test-12.txt TLE 2033 ms 71656 KB
test-13.txt TLE 2033 ms 71432 KB
test-14.txt TLE 2035 ms 71356 KB
test-15.txt TLE 2035 ms 71588 KB
test-16.txt TLE 2035 ms 71356 KB
test-17.txt TLE 2034 ms 71504 KB
test-18.txt TLE 2034 ms 71420 KB
test-19.txt TLE 2033 ms 71248 KB
test-20.txt TLE 2034 ms 71412 KB